Counselling and Psychotherapy
in Central London and Wimbledon
Therapy is an individual process, and the reasons that bring people to seek it are many and varied. Perhaps you are at a point in your life where you are feeling directionless, anxious, or despairing. Maybe you feel weighed down, or are stuck in patterns of behaviour that feel unhealthy or destructive. Or you may feel as if past life events, relationships or conflicts are impacting on your sense of emotional wellbeing.
Perhaps you need some time to understand yourself better, to reflect on your inner life and consider how it affects the way you feel and act. Gaining insight helps to build a more secure sense of self, and can improve your relationships with others: developing this insight is central to the work of therapy.
Your concerns may seem too big, too personal, or too trivial to share with friends and family. But with me you will be encouraged to share anything you want to about your life, both past and present. This may be your feelings and emotions, childhood recollections and memories, your thoughts about relationships, or your dreams.
To open up and share our most private thoughts and fears with a professionally trained therapist can be invaluable. In fact, the decision to start therapy can be one of the most positive steps we ever take.